donderdag 17 november 2016

Symposium 'La vocation artistique à l’épreuve du genre au 19e siècle: regards sur les peintresses belges'

Symposium La vocation artistique à l’épreuve du genre au 19e siècle : regards sur les peintresses belges in Namen.

Journée d’études organisée dans le cadre de l’exposition Femmes artistes. Les Peintresses en Belgique (1880-1914) au Musée Rops à Namur.

Le jeudi 01/12/2016, de 9h à 16h30
Palais provincial, place Saint-Aubain, Namur
Organisée en collaboration avec l’Université libre de Bruxelles

zaterdag 5 november 2016

CFP Food, glorious food: Food at the heart of nineteenth-century art

ESNA Conference: CALL FOR PAPERS (dl. January 15, 2017)
Food, glorious food: Food at the heart of nineteenth-century art
Antwerp, Museum Aan de Stroom (MAS): June 8-9, 2017
Organized in conjunction with the exhibition ANTWERP À LA CARTE at MAS in Antwerp, this symposium intends to study the various and complex relations between food, the experience of eating, and nineteenth-century art. Modern phenomena such as industrialization, liberalization of the market, urbanization, rise of the middle class, issues of nationality and gender, leisure time and economic upheaval affected the gastronomic field as well as the depiction of it in the visual arts. This new fascination for food was reflected in the entire panoply of the artistic field, ranging from recipes, food literature, decorative arts and interior design to works of art and art criticism.
For this conference, we welcome papers that discuss how the development of the food industry and the changing notion of ‘taste’ and social mores are reflected in nineteenth-century art in the broadest sense. Please send proposals (max. 300 words) for a 20-minute paper (in English) for this conference to by 15 January 2017 at the latest. Selected speakers will be contacted in the course of January 2017.