Op maandag 1 oktober, om 15u15, geeft Michelle Foa (Tulane University) een lezing aan de UvA (Amsterdam) met als titel Seurat and the Art of Visual Experience. De lezing wordt georganiseerd door de Onderzoekschool Kunstgeschiedenis (sectie moderne en hedendaagse kunst) en alle geïnteresseerden zijn welkom.
Locatie: VOC-zaal, Bushuis, Klovenierburgwal, Amsterdam.
Abstract van de lezing:
Few artists of the modern period are as closely associated with the subject of vision as the Neo-Impressionist Georges Seurat, but the precise nature of his interest in visual perception has yet to be fully understood. Looking carefully at his placid seascape paintings and his pictures of popular urban entertainments, this lecture will explore Seurat’s body of work as a sustained investigation into different kinds of visual engagement with the external world. To seek knowledge or pleasure, to produce or to consume, to be oriented or dazzled – Seurat shows us the very different ends to which vision could be put to use in late nineteenth-century France.
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